
“Capturing the Effect of Fracture Heterogeneity on Multi-Phase Flow” S. Jonoud, O.P. Wennberg, J.A. Larsen and G. Casini, SPE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 9-11 October 2011, SPE 14834, publication in SPEJ, May 2013.

“Fluid Pressure gradients in tight formations”, J.A. Larsen, H. Urkedal and A.Lønøy, presented at the 2009 SPE EUROPEC/EAGE conference, SPE 121982, Amsterdam, 8-11 June 2009.

“Challenges of Modelling Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: IOR/EOR Studies”, Jonoud, S. & Larsen, A. Extended abstract EAGE Shiraz 2009. First International Petroleum Conference & Exhibition. Shiraz, Iran, 4-6 May 2009.

“Modelling fractured reservoirs, an integrated approach” SPE workshop on upscaling of fractured carbonate reservoirs: best practise and workflows. Otterlei, C., Larsen, A., Lønøy, A. & Taghavi, A., June 27 to July 1, Yasmine Hammamat,Tunisia 2009.

“Capillary Transition zones from a Core Analysis Perspective”, Johne Alex Larsen, Trond Thorsen and Geir Haskjold, SCA International symposium, Abu-Dhabi, Oct. 2000.

“Numerical Modelling of Capillary Transition Zones”, Geir Terje Eigestad and Johne Alex Larsen, SPE 64374. Presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference, Brisbane, Australia, Oct. 2000.

“Simulation of the Immiscible WAG Process Using Cycle-Dependent Three-Phase Relative Permeabilities”, Johne Alex Larsen and Arne Skauge, SPE 56475, presented at the SPE ATCE, Houston, 1999.

“Factores Influencing Three-Phase Flow Parameters in WAG experimnets” Arne Skauge, Ida Veland and Johne Alex Larsen. SCA 1999 International symposium, Denver, USA, 10-12 September 1999.

“Methodology for Numerical Simulation with Cycle-Dependent Relative Permeabilities”, Johne Alex Larsen and Arne Skauge, SPE 38456, SPEJ, June 1998.

“Development of a Parameter Estimation Method for Network Models of Porous Media,” Johne Alex Larsen, Reidar Arneberg and Arne Skauge, paper in PhD thesis, 1997.

“Evaluation of Transport Properties for Immiscible Flow in Porous Media”, PhD thesis, University of Bergen, 1997.

“Comparing Hysteresis Models for Relative Permeability in WAG Studies”, Johne Alex Larsen & Arne Skauge. Presented at SCA 1995 International Symposium, San Francisco, USA, 10-12 September 1995.

“Calculation of Three-Phase Relative Permeabilities from Displacements Experiments with Measurements of in-Situ saturations”, Eleri, O. O. , Graue, A., Skauge, A., J. A. Larsen. Poster at the SCA 1995 International Symposium, San Francisco, USA, 10-12 September 1995.

“Three-Phase Relative Permeabilities and Trapped Gas Measurements Related to WAG Process”, Arne Skauge & Johne Alex Larsen. Presented at SCA 1994 International Symposium, Stavanger, Norge, 10-12 September 1994.

“A New Approach to Model the WAG Process”, Arne Skauge & Johne Alex Larsen, presented at the 15th lEA Collaborative Project on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Workshop and Symposium, Bergen, Norge, 28-31 August, 1994

More references

I. Aavatsmark, G.T. Eigestad, B.-O. Heimsund, B. Mallison, and E. Øian. A New Finite-Volume Approach to Efficient Discretization on Challenging Grids. SPE Journal, 2010, 15(3):658—669, SPE-106435-PA, doi: 10.2118/106435-PA.

G.T. Eigestad, H.K. Dahle, B. Hellevang, W.T. Johansen, F. Riis, E. Øian: Geological modeling and simulation of CO2 injection in the Johansen Formation, special issue on numerical methods for CO2 sequestration, Computational Geosciences, 2009, 13(4):435—450.

S. S. Berg and E. Øian. Hierarchical approach for simulating fluid flow in normal fault zones. Petroleum Geoscience, 13(1):25–35, 2007.

E. Øian, B.-O. Heimsund, G. T. Eigestad, and I. Aavatsmark. Control volume discretisations on non-matching 3D meshes. In 10th European conference on the mathematics of oil recovery (ECMOR X), Amsterdam, 4–7 September, 2006.

B.-O. Heimsund, E. Øian, and G. E. Fladmark. Some performance investigations of a compositional reservoir flow simulator. In 10th European conference on the mathematics of oil recovery (ECMOR X), Amsterdam, 4–7 September, 2006.

R. Holm, B.-O. Heimsund, E. Øian, and M. S. Espedal. Meshing of domains with complex internal geometries. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 13(9):717–731, November 2006.

I. Garrido, E. Øian, M. Chaib, G. E. Fladmark, and M. S. Espedal. Implicit treatment of compositional flow. Computational Geosciences, 8(1):1–19, March 2004.

E. Øian, M. S. Espedal, I. Garrido, and G. E. Fladmark. Parallel simulation of multi-phase/multicomponent flow models. In R. Kornhuber, R. Hoppe, J. Priaux, O. Pironneau,

O. Widlund, and J. Xu, editors, Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering, volume 40 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Springer, September 2004. ISBN: 3-540-22523-4.

E. Øian, I. Garrido, M. Chaib, G. E. Fladmark, and M. S. Espedal. Modeling fractured and faulted regions: Local grid refinement methods for implicit solvers. Computing and Visualization in Science, 6(2–3):123–129, March 2004.

Berg, S.S., Øian, E., Skar, T. & Gabrielsen, R.H. 2004: The architecture of faults and its consequence for fluid flow. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholms Förhandlingar 126, 61-62.

Senger,K, Ogata,K, Tveranger,J, Braathen,A, Bælum,K, Olaussen,S, Mørk,M.B, Mørk,A, Waerum,G.O, Bergh,S, Fladmark,G: 2011 Alif Be Sequestration of CO2 in a Naturally Fractured Siliciclastic Reservoir, Spitsbergen, Svalbard. AAPG Milano October 2011

Be, A., Skauge, A., Delshad, M. (2011): “Simulation of Three-phase Flow in Porous Media Including Capillary Pressure Representing Variation in Rock Wettability”, paper for the 16th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 12-14 April 2011.