
The management group in Perecon AS have broad experience from the oil and gas industry and consist of Dr. Alex Larsen (CEO) (left) and Dr. Erlend Øian (CDO).

Chief Executive Officer Dr. Alex Larsen:

Dr. Larsen has a Dr. Scient. (PhD) in physics and 25 years of experience from oil companies, research institutions and as an entrepreneur. His career started at Norsk Hydro Research Center working with IOR/EOR, SCAL and carbonate reservoirs. Thereafter, he moved to Enterprise Oil and Shell to work on NCS licenses. His experience covers project-lead for a broad specter of projects on NCS and internationally ranging from geology, petrophysics and reservoir engineering. He has contributed in projects in several countries like the UAE, Oman, Iran, Iraq, Kurdistan, Russia, Brazil, West Africa etc. Dr. Larsen has had several leading positions both as Research Director and COO/CEO. He was co-founder of Reslab Integration AS and built the company to about 30 employees. In 2008 he was one of the founders of Perecon AS. His main technical interests are within modelling of carbonate reservoirs, digitalisation of cross-discipline workflows and advanced modelling of multi-phase flow behavior in reservoir simulation.

Chief Digital Officer Dr. Erlend Øian:

Dr. Øian has 17 years of reservoir technology experience. After completing a Dr. Scient. (PhD) degree in Applied Mathematics, he continued as a postdoc and Researcher at the Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research, University of Bergen, and later at the IOR Section of Norsk Hydro Research Center with focus on well stimulation of fractured carbonates. Dr. Øian is co-founder of Perecon AS, working as a reservoir modelling & simulation expert on projects related to reserves maturation, drainage strategy evaluations for PDOs (Plan for Development and Operation), Reservoir Committee follow-up and regional field developments. Activities also include project lead of Joint Industry Program researching machine-learning algorithms for resource estimations. Dr. Øian’s key professional interest is interdisciplinary work between reservoir engineering, petroleum geoscience and computer/computational science.